Saturday, May 12, 2007
Todae sh0 ziiliian lehs hehes takk sh0 many piicture.... hehes todae de maths quite difficult but still happy that ii managed tuh d0 one guess and check question ,, buttt spend al0ts 0f tiime on iit lehs -.- diiaoz but nvm larhs c0z 0thers ii 0s0 dunch kn0w h0w tuh d0 sh0 anii h0w d0 l0rhx!!!! wanch see muaiix picture marhs? hehes though ish n0rt beri niice =p Ehs onlii 1 picture larhs but still g0t 0thers ,, wanch dench q0 muaiix friendster see 0kaies? hehes qq0 here see barhx remeber giib comments h0rs